Spend my time with my own way


Alhamdulillah,atas izin Allah dapat lagi menaip di ruangan ini setelah sekian lama.
Alhamdulillah,telah lepas 3 paper untuk mid year examination of Al-Azhar Faculty of Medicine of Girls(AFMG) dan sekarang kami sedang menjalani cuti musim sejuk atau winter break.Namun,masih berbaki satu paper lagi iaitu Physiology yang ditangguhkan disebabkan keadaan universiti yang tidak stabil dan cuti kami juga dipanjangkan sehingga sebulan.Kebiasaannya winter break hanya 2 minggu.Semoga kami dapat manfaatkan cuti ini sepenuhnya.

Disebabkan cuti,saya mengambil kesempatan waktu ini menambah minat dalam bidang perubatan dengan menonton drama-drama kedoktoran yang berkisarkan tentang kes-kes di hospital mengikut bahagian-bahagian khusus dalam perubatan.Antaranya Brain(Japan,menceritakan khusus tentang otak),Code Blue(Japan,menceritakan khusus tentang dunia houseman ship/house officer,HO), OBGYN (Korean , menceritakan tentang pakar sakit puan)  dan lain-lain.Untuk merancang bidang di masa hadapan,saya ada mencari maklumat tentang bidang-bidang khusus dalam perubatan(specialist) yang saya rasa ingin menceburkan diri.Antaranya,



Cardiology is a field of medicine that focuses on conditions of the heart. Cardiologists are physicians who specialize in this field. Cardiologists use their extensive knowledge and training to treat patients with heart disease using surgery, medication and general health education.

Neurology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities. It has two major divisions:
  • Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system: all other neural elements, such as eyes, ears, skin, and other "sensory receptors"
A doctor who specializes in neurology is called a neurologist. The neurologist treats disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
Neurologists do not perform surgery. If one of their patients requires surgery, they refer them to a neurosurgeon.


Paediatrics is a medical specialty that manages medical conditions affecting babies, children and young people. 

Trainees looking at an xrayNewborn baby being examined

Paediatricians are doctors who look at specific health issues, diseases and disorders related to stages of growth and development. This is an area of medicine where the doctor works closely with the patient and their family. Paediatrics is a diverse, stimulating and hugely rewarding specialty.
Paediatrics is a broad-based specialty which allows doctors to be generalists and see children and young people with a wide range of illnesses and disease or to become very specialised in certain areas.


An obstetrician is a physician who has successfully completed specialized education and training in the management of pregnancy, labor, and pueperium (the time-period directly following childbirth).
A gynecologist is a physician who has a successfully completed specialized education and training in the health of the female reproductive system, including the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases.
Typically, the education and training for both fields occurs concurrently. Thus, an obstetrician/gynecologist is a physician specialist who provides medical and surgical care to women and has particular expertise in pregnancy, childbirth, and disorders of the reproductive system. This includes preventative care,prenatal care, detection of sexually transmitted diseases,Pap test screening, and family planning.

Untuk menjadi pakar atau specialist ini,mengambil masa yang lama sebenarnya.setelah tamat 6 tahun pengajian untuk ijazah,seseorang yang ingin menjadi pakar perlu menjalani latihan HO dan kemudian bekerja selama beberapa tahun dan kemudian mengambil MASTER untuk menjadi specialist dalam sesuatu bidang seperti diatas.

Doakan saya dan sahabat-sahabat saya untuk bersungguh-sungguh dan ikhlas dalam bidang ini.
Sekian dulu dari saya.sampai ketemu lagi.
Sirru 'ala barakatillah~


Anonymous said…
melihat jumlah pakar sakit puan d malaysia ni yg majoritinya lelaki. saya sebagai org lelaki merasa agak berat utk hantar wife ke doktor lelaki. so, saya harap awak akan jadi pakar sakit puan suatu hari nanti. moga bertambah bilangan pakar sakit puan dlm kalangan doktor wanita d malaysia ni...